About Us

Who we are

Quantacus.ai is a SaaS-based AI middleware that assists growth teams in creating and implementing their growth strategies using AI and Machine Learning. As businesses move from simple sales funnels to complex, multi-stage customer journeys, Quantacus helps them develop these new growth funnels. It's like having a Tesla for Product and Marketing Growth teams, aiding them to magnify their growth after reaching product-market fit. Quantacus.ai could significantly alter how digital marketing teams work today, providing faster results and better outcomes through AI. We invite partners to join us in this innovative and rewarding journey.

Meet Our Team


Anand Tuli

2nd Time Founder, 18 Yrs Of ExperienceEx. Head of Data Sciences, VedantuEx. Flipkart, Ex. Mu Sigma, Ex. Accenture

Rakesh Sarma

12 Years Of ExperienceEx. Director, Analytics, VedantuEx. Flipkart, Ex. Oracle

Pranay Kumar Jha

12 Years Of ExperienceEx. Head Of Sales, AtombergAnalytics Teams @ SWiggy, Vedantu

Market Size

Fuelled by growth in adoption of digital growth tools, especially post CoVid andtransformation in consumers moving to digital growth channels, organisations have nowchosen digital growth as their primary growth channel. The overall TAM for digital growthtools stands @ 182 B USD growing @ 11% CAGR to 260 B USD in 2027. Considering theMid- and Large- Companies as primary ICP for Quantacus with a US & India focussed GTMstrategy the SAM for Quantacus is expected to be 260 B USD.
  • In the Digital Advertising market, 89% of the Digital Advertising revenue will begenerated through programmatic advertising in 2027 (Gartner)
  • Ad spending in the Digital Advertising market is projected to reach US$701.20bn in2023.
  • The market's largest segment is Search Advertising with a market volume ofUS$296.70bn in 2023.
  • In global comparison, most ad spending will be generated in the United States(US$297.40bn in 2023).
  • The average ad spending per user in the Search Advertising segment is projected toamount to US$55.65 in 2023.
  • In the Digital Advertising market, 69% of total ad spending will be generated throughmobile in 2027.

About the problem

Problem Area

We are developing an AI enabled digital growth orchestration platform which will enablecompanies to take the next leap of 10x growth. Using Quantacus - companies will be able toachieve their true growth potential with the help of a fully autonomous growth orchestrationplatform which will listen, learn and evolve to build the right and optimised growth funnels.We refer to this phenomena as “Grow By Wire” - where companies can focus on their coreproduct development and customer experience and will have to spend minimal focus andenergies on setting up complicated team structures and MarTech stack to drive growth.

Progress Companies Are Looking To Make

One of the 3 primary objectives of any organisation is to achieve steady and efficient growth.In the post PMF stage (300 - 500 orders MRR), all the companies have to invest in theirgrowth infrastructure to take their growth to the next stage (1000 - 5000 orders MRR). This isthe death valley for many good companies and products as the process of achieving everynext order becomes much more complicated aka setting up growth funnels (Traffic > User >Engagement > Monetization) and efficiency (constant hiring, tools integrations,collaboration).

How Are Companies Solving It Right Now

In order to solve the problem - organisations and start ups are forced to set up complicatedteam structures and incorporate multiple tools to enable these teams to perform. This leadsto the following outcome:

1. 50 - 500 member growth teams which includes

a. Product Teams
  • Product managers
  • Product Analysts

2. 10 - 20 Marketing Tools including

a. Design tools Canva, Simplified etc.
b. Tracking tools like GA4, Clickstream, Clevertap etc.
c. Data Tool including DBs, Snowflake,DBTs, RedShift etc.
d. Marketing tools like hubspot, clevertap etc.
e. Advertising platforms Google Ads, FB Ads etc.
f. Collaboration tools like Slack, GMeet, Discord, Notion etc.

Why Is It A Death Valley For Lot Of Companies

As companies reach to the post PMF scale stage (10x scale) the vectors of growth changesfrom product and its value proposition to building robust growth funnels (e.g Awareness >Interest > Desire > Action funnels) which is customised to the product and organisationculture. The key gaps in the way organisations are trying to solve for this currently are:

1. Talent Gap

From our research, less than 15% of the organisations have access toand are able to manage the key talent across product, engineering, analytics andmarketing.2. Poor Collaborat

2. Poor Collaboration

In order to effectively manage growth funnels - all the teamsneed to constantly collaborate and evolve together. Organisations with even robustcommunication and governance structures find it hard to effectively achieve this. Thereasons are because poor leadership, diverse talent groups and constant gapsacross the key capabilities

3. Non Standard Growth Stack

In order to effectively manage growth funnels - all the teamsneed to constantly collaborate and evolve together. Organisations with even robustcommunication and governance structures find it hard to effectively achieve this. Thereasons are because poor leadership, diverse talent groups and constant gapsacross the key capabilities

4. Growth Stack Adoption

From our research, almost none of the companies believethey are able to utilise the full potential of their growth stack leading to inefficienciesin one area or the other.

5. Poor Adoption of MarTech Features

~78% of the features of the MarTech tools arerarely or never used

Why Now

There are 3 primary reasons why platforms like Quantacus are more relevant nowthan ever. These are:

1. Customer Behaviour has shifted but growth teams haven’t

a. Evidence: Only 5% of marketers has been able to use Tik Tok welldespite it being largest social media platform for Gen Z

2. Emergence of new and better technology stacks like AI/ML

a. Evidence: 42% of the companies are planning to Embed AI into currentapplications and processes (source: ibm research)

3. Emergence of profitable and responsible growth models forcing growth teamsto get better, faster

Evidence: More unicorns focused on profitability now than just burningcash as funding winter sets in - businessinsider.in

Our Approach

Task (Case of Performance Campaign)
Current Process
With Quantacus Adoption
Define the objectives of the digital campaigne.g. Get visitors using google ads to sell shoesonline
Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager
Design the ads for primary messaging, medium,channel, ad network and audience
Designer /DigitalMarketeer
Write the messages which resonates with ideal customer
Design display creatives(images/videos/audio)
Image / Video / Audio Creative
Review the ads for brand design and messages
Deploy and setup digital ads campaign onselected DSP
Digital Marketer
Review the ads performance on reach, resultsand cost
Data Analysts
Based on the results from step 7 - go to step 2 (incase message doesn’t resonate with audience),go to step 3 (n case CTRs are bad) or step 6 (ifeverything works scale the campaign)
Digital Marketer
Marketing Manager
Review the decisions in step 8
Marketing Manager
Repeat Step 7
Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager